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Entries in President Clinton (1)


FAA Chief Charged With Drunk Driving

UPDATE: FAA head Randy Babbitt has been placed on leave after his DWI arrest according to a statement released by the Department of Transportation. Deputy administrator Michael Huerta will serve as acting FAA leader

Story updated by Mike Hothi at 2:55p.m. EST…

WASHINGTON — At least he wasn’t flying a plane.

Randolph “Randy” Babbitt, the head of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was charged with drunk driving over the weekend.

Babbitt was arrested without incident on Saturday for driving on the wrong side of the road, according to The Washington Post. Fairfax City police spotted him on the Old Lee Highway.

Babbitt was reportedly released on his own recognizance. He faces a February 2 court date, a Fairfax City police spokesman told the Post.

President Obama nominated Babbitt to become the 16th FAA Administrator in 2009. Babbitt has previously served under President Bill Clinton as FAA Management Advisory Council.

Neither the FAA or Department of Transportation have issued statements on the arrest.