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Poll: Public Wants Payroll Tax Cut

According to a recent United Technologies/ National Journal Congressional Connection Poll, the majority of Americans support President Obama’s efforts to extend the payroll tax cut, even if such an extension could potentially increase the federal budget deficit.

The poll shows that 58 percent of Americans believe Congress should extend the tax cut while only 32 percent believe there should be no tax cut extension.

Divided among the parties, 68 percent of Democrats favor the extension while 25 percent do not, 50 percent of Republicans favor the extension while 39 percent do not and 57 percent of Independents favor the extension while 33 percent do not.

The poll also reported that the nation is split over whether federal regulations enhance or hinder business growth and that voters are seeking a middle ground on extending unemployment insurance for those Americans who lost their jobs over the past year. 

The results are based on data collected from telephone interviews conducted December 1-4, 2011 by Princeton Survey Research Associates International among a national sample of 1,008 adults age 18 and over.

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