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Entries in Midterm Elections (6)


New Ad Attacks Angle On Women's Issues

A new ad put out in Nevada by Service Employees International Union attacks Republican Senate candidate Sharon Angle on issues concerning women in all stages of their lives.  The ad slams the candidate on abortion, college loans, jobs and social security while claiming Angle is “too dangerous to have real power over real people.” 

A poll put out by Rasmussen on Sunday put Angle ahead of Democratic rival Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid by three points going into the election.  


Poll: Blunt Leads Carnahan By 9 Points In Missouri

According to a Rasmussen poll out today, Republican Congressman Roy Blunt leads his Democratic rival Robin Carnahan by 9 points in the Missouri Senate race with just two weeks to go before the midterm elections. Compared to a Rasmussen poll put out two weeks ago, Blunt gained one point and now holds 52 percent of likely voters while Carnahan has seemingly plateaued at 43 percent.


Poll: Raese Ahead Of Manchin By 7 Points In West Virginia

According to a Rasmussen poll out today, West Virginia Republican Senate candidate John Raese holds 50 percent of likely voters while his opponent Democratic Governor Joe Manchin lags behind with 43 percent.  The seven point lead is the largest that Raese has held in the campaign. 


Poll: Hispanics Still Support Dems, But Not Enthusiastic About Midterms

By AJ Swartwood

According to a new poll from the Pew Research Center, hispanic voters are still allied with Democrats, but will likely not have a strong presence at the polls this November.

Although the poll, compiled by Pew’s Hispanic Center, finds that 65 percent of latino voters said they support Democratic candidates, only 51 percent have confirmed that they are certain they will vote in the upcoming midterm elections.

The poll also finds that only 32 percent of Hispanic voters responded that they have given the elections “quite a lot” of thought.


Boehner Upset At Dems Over Prospect Of Early Dismissal 

In response to reports that House members may leave as early as this week to hit the campaign trail in their respective states and districts, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement:
“It appears Democratic Leaders would rather adjourn than help our economy create jobs by stopping all of President Obama’s job-killing tax hikes, even though a clear bipartisan majority in the House supports doing so. Instead of coming up with new ways to thwart the will of the people, Democratic Leaders should be working with Republicans to stop all of the tax hikes and cut government spending. Anything less fails our economy and shows that out-of-touch Washington Democrats are more focused on keeping their jobs than doing them.”