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Obama Continues To Stump For Jobs, Despite Senate Defeat

By Janie Amaya

President Barack Obama continued to tout his administration’s jobs bill, despite seeing it fail to pass a key procedural vote in the Senate Tuesday night.

 I sent Congress a jobs bill made up of the kinds of proposals that, traditionally, Democrats and Republicans have supported.  Independent economists who do this for a living have said the American Jobs Act would lead to more growth and nearly 2 million jobs next year,” Obama said during a forum Wednesday on American Latino Heritage. “But apparently, none of this matters to Republicans in the Senate.  Because last night, even though a majority of senators voted in favor of the American Jobs Act, a Republican minority got together as a group and blocked this jobs bill from passing the Senate.”

Obama added that he refuses taking no for an answer and will continue to pressure Congress to meet its responsibility to put Americans back to work.

Earlier Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney acknowledged that the White House will now focus on passing individual portions of the larger jobs package.