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Musharraf Denies Pakistani Knowledge Of Bin Laden

By Lisa Kellman

Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf claimed Wednesday that although Osama Bin Laden was found in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad when he was killed earlier this year, it was not evidence of corruption on behalf of the Pakistani government.

“[My] honest conviction, it’s a case of terrible negligence which ought to be investigated and punished, but it is not a case of compliance,” said Musharraf.

Musharraf gave a speech at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace wherein he touched upon tensions between Pakistan and America.

The former president criticized the United States, Afghanistan, and India for the trouble his country faces with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. He declared that many issues may appear to have originated in Pakistan yet in fact, Pakistan is an innocent victim of circumstance in the Middle East.

Internal struggles in Pakistan include a dysfunctional government, a rise in terrorism and extremism, a rise in law and order situations, an economic collapse, and increasing political turmoil.

“Pakistan is in bad shape,” Musharraf acknowledged.