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Congress May Lift Ban On Internet Gambling, But Could Tax Winnings

The New York Times reports that Congress is considering lifing a ban on internet gambling that was put in place 4 years ago. Businesses that run online gambling would be taxed, as would winnings, similiar to how live gambling in casinos and other places is taxed. Supporters say the taxes can raise as much as $42 billion in the next 10 years…


-Rob Sanna


U.S. Sailors Found Dead In Afghanistan

The U.S. Sailors whom went missing on Wednesday are now both confimed dead. CNN reports that the second sailor died of wounds received in a firefight with Taliban members before their captures. His body was recovered on Sunday. The other sailor was killed in that firefight


-Rob Sanna




Nevada To Host Third Annual Clean Energy Summit 

By Linn Grubbstrom - Talk Radio News Service

Nevada will host the third annual National Clean Energy Summit on September 7th.

“The theme of this year’s summit will focus on the number one issue in Nevada and around the country: investing in American jobs,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who along with the University of Las Vegas and the Center for American Progress sponsors the summit, during a conference call Wednesday.

“Nevada is a perfect place to hold this important national discussion,” Reid said. “We’re leading the way in creating jobs and capitalizing on … fast, clean energy resources.” 

The summits take place each year in Nevada, and according to Reid, progress has been made since it began just two years ago.

“We’ve [made] some big announcements. We’re building a transmission line between northern and southern Nevada which will allow us to be energy independent,” said Reid.


Obama Announces He Will Sign The Tribal Law and Order Act Thursday

Previously passed by the House on Wednesday, July 21 a major piece of legislation affecting law enforcement within tribal communities will be signed by the President tomorrow, Thursday July 29th.
The Tribal Law & Order Act of 2009 grants Tribal Courts the authority to impose harsher sentences and requires U.S. Attorneys to keep a better record of declinations involving Indian Country among other provisions. The Act also grants Tribal Courts the authority to impose a sentence of three years imprisonment and a fine of up to $15,000 for a single count. Those are raised from the previous maximums of one year imprisonment and a $5,000 fine as outlined in the Indian Civil Rights Act.

President Obama said in a statement after it’s initial passing through the house, “The federal government’s relationship with tribal governments, its obligations under treaty law, and our values as a nation require that we do more to improve public safety in tribal communities.  And this Act will help us achieve that.”


-Alexa Gitler


Reid Spokesman Responds To Republican BP Bailout Bill

Jim Manley, spokesman for Senator Harry Reid (D- Nev.) released a statement Wednesday responding to energy proposals from the GOP saying, “Republicans want taxpayers to foot the bill for BP’s disaster and allow BP to use endless legal battles to run out the clock on those whose livelihoods they destroyed – just like Exxon did to victims of the Valdez spill. Republicans should come to their senses and remember that they represent the American people, not BP. Our responsibility is to make sure the Americans affected by this disaster are made whole – not to protect BP’s profits.”


- Alexa Gitler