TRNS Military Correspondent Remembers Flight 93 Co-Pilot
TRNS Military Correspondent Cholene Espinoza shares her memories of her friend LeRoy Homer Jr., the co-pilot aboard United Flight 93. Cholene, a noted pilot, was a cadet at the Air Force Academy with LeRoy.
He just didn’t have a chance.
Who knew when we were Preppies and joking around that he’d one day be part of one of the worst days in human history. I can still picture him in D Squadron with is yellow polyester hat on, or rollerblading along the water in Manhattan Beach, or walking in Hyde Park and showing me pictures of his daughter Laurel and his wife Melodie.
He truly did love his family. I had never seen him so happy, nor so excited, as when he spoke of Melodie and Laurel. He was always so easy going and laid back, so when he got excited enough to pull out his pictures, I knew he had a very special family