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T-Paw Endorses Romney

Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty (R), who withdrew from the Republican presidential race last month, announced Monday that he will support Mitt Romney’s campaign.

“Romney is running for president because he is deeply committed to our country, troubled by its current condition, and I believe he can turn it around,” Pawlenty said in a statement released by the Romney camp.

The endorsement is interesting, given that Romney seemed to be Pawlenty’s nemesis during his brief stay in the race. However, no matter what he did, Pawlenty could never eclipse Romney in the polls, and eventually called it quits after a poor showing in the Iowa straw poll in August.

Now, Romney will need all the help he can get, after recently being replaced as the presumptive GOP frontrunner by Texas Governor Rick Perry. According to reports, Pawlenty will serve as a national co-chair of the former Massachusetts Governor’s campaign.

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