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Radio Preacher "Flabbergasted" As World Fails To End  

Harold Camping, a California-based preacher, is reportedly “flabbergasted” that the world failed to end this Saturday after he guaranteed his followers that May 21st would, in fact, mark the end of times.

“It has been a really tough weekend,” Camping said Sunday, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. “I’m looking for answers.”

Camping, who operates a religious radio network, based his prophecy around an unusual mathematical approach to biblical passages. He concluded that armageddon would begin in the early hours of May 21st with a series of massive earthquakes. Then, he claimed, around 6 pm EST, 200 million Christians would be lifted off the planet.

He made a similarly offbeat prediction in 1994.

Although Camping’s following may be small compared to more mainstream sects, the end-times message gained notoriety after believers launched an international advertising blitz, complete with bus ads and billboards.

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