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First Lady Hits The Stump  

First Lady Michelle Obama officially waded into the 2012 campaign Thursday, telling hundreds of Democratic women donors that her husband’s first term as President has been successful, but that the country is “nowhere near winning the future.”

“It’s fair to say we’ve seen some change,” Obama said during her remarks before party sponsored 17th annual Women’s Leadership Forum National Issues Conference. “We should be proud of what we accomplished, but we should not be satisfied.”

“I have one question for you: are you in?,” Obama asked, invoking the new campaign slogan. “Because I’m in. I hope that all of you are fired up. I hope all of you are ready to go.”

Proceeds from the conference goes towards the DNC’s Obama Victory Fund. Tickets ranged from $250 to the maximum legal limit of $35,800. 550 people were in attendance, according to a DNC spokesperson.

A slate of other Democratically oriented women addressed the conference as well, including former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, Planned Parenthood founder Cecile Richards and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

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