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Obama Invokes Bin Laden On The Stump 

President Barack Obama invoked the recent killing on Osama bin Laden while stumping in Austin, Texas Tuesday evening.

“Because of you, we’ve made great progress.  I want you to remember that.  We have made incredible progress,” Obama said during a speech before a DNC fundraiser when somebody in the audience yelled “Thank you for getting bin Laden.”

“Case in point,” the President responded. “It should inspire us to finish what we started.”

Earlier in the speech, Obama had brought the death of the terrorist leader while discussing the accomplishments of the intelligence community and U.S. troops.

Although the President received a boost in the polls following this month’s raid, the White House has seemed wary of appearing to politicize the achievement. In a trip to Ground Zero last week the President declined to deliver a speech and prior to Obama’s visit with U.S. troops last week, Press Secretary Jay Carney stressed that the President would not “gloat” over the death of the notorious terrorist.

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