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Obama Heads To Chicago For Oprah Appearance  

President Barack Obama will be traveling to his old stomping grounds to tape an episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show at the television program’s Chicago based studio.

According to the White House, the President is making the appearance with the First Lady. All other details related to the episode are being withheld.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters Monday that the President is appearing on the show since he considers Winfrey, who is ending the daily program next month, to be a friend.

“Her show is coming to a conclusion of a terrific run … and he looks forward to being on the show with the First Lady,” Carney said.

Obama was in the windy city earlier this month for a series of DNC fundraisers. It’s also the site of his 2012 reelection headquarters.

Following the taping, Obama is scheduled to travel to New York for three fundraisers, but will return to D.C. in the evening.

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