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US Gives Khartoum, Juba To-Do Lists

The Sudanese governments in Khartoum and Juba should be commended for respecting the outcome of the independence referendum, but still need to resolve  other components of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, such as the impasses over Abyei and other disputed region says US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice. 

 “As long as Abyei’s status remains unresolved, it could indeed trigger further instability across Sudan” Rice told the Security Council during a briefing on Sudan today. “We urge the parties to swiftly resolve the remaining issues of citizenship, security, water, debts and assets, currency, oil management, and wealth sharing. Resolving these issues will facilitate international assistance to Sudan, both North and South.”

 Rice also voiced concern over the continuing violence in Darfur, calling on rebel groups and Khartoum government forces to reach a ceasefire and begin a significant negotiation process.

 “We are deeply concerned about the region’s deteriorating security situation.” said Rice, “the Government of Sudan must bring peace to Darfur, fully cooperate with UNAMID and provide unrestricted humanitarian access.”

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