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OWS: Gingrich "Rolling Around In Dirty Money"

Occupy Wall Street is taking aim at Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich after the former Speaker of the House publicly advised the demonstrators to “get a job, right after you take a bath” during a GOP forum Saturday.

It is Gingrich who is truly filthy from rolling around in dirty money,” a statement from the OWS reads.

The Occupy movement cited Gingrich’s post-Congressional work, including his stint at Freddie Mac, an $840,000 payment from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, $312,500 from the ethanol lobby as well as his think tank jobs.

One of the 1%’s most successful and moneyed lobbyists, Gingrich is now running for President to more fully institutionalize inequality and the entrenched plutocratic system,” the statement says.

Occupy Wall Street demonstrators plan to play off of Gingrich’s remarks by protesting outside of a Manhattan fundraiser Monday while wearing robes and shower caps.

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