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Poll: GOP Frontrunners Tied With Obama

GOP frontrunners Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich both hold a statistical tie with President Obama in a hypothetical 2012 matchup, according to a new Gallup/USA Today poll.

With a 4-point margin of error, Both Republicans score 48 percent while President Barack Obama comes in with 50 percent.

The data shows an improvement in Gingrich’s general election standing. In a previous Gallup poll released exactly one week ago, Obama held a 6-point lead over Gingrich at 44 to 50 percent.

The poll was conducted between December 15th and 18th among 1,019 Americans.

A separate survey released Monday by the agency shows that Gingrich’s lead over the GOP field has subsided. Now, the former House Speaker statistically ties with Romney at 26 to 24 percent. The new data reflects an 11 point drop for Gingrich from December 5th.

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