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Obama, Romney Run Neck And Neck In Swing States

President Barack Obama and GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney run neck and neck in key swing states, according to a new Gallup/USA Today poll.

Among registered voters in states that could decide the outcome of 2012, Romney came in with 47 percent support and Obama came in with 46 percent.

Against Herman Cain, the margin is slightly wider, with the President in the lead 48 to 45 percent. Texas Governor Rick Perry trails by the widest margin in swing states, 49 to 44 percent.

The poll also found that enthusiasm in swing states was higher among Republicans than Democrats. 48 percent of Democrats said they were extremely or very enthusiastic about their candidate as opposed to 59 percent of Republicans.

The poll, released Friday, was conducted among 1,334 adults between October 20th and 27th. The swing states included Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Results can be found here.

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