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Kerry Calls For Swift Transition In Egypt

By Mike Hothi

On the cusp of parliamentary elections in Egypt, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair John Kerry (D-Mass.) called on the Egyptian military to allow for a “prompt transition” to civilian rule.

“The Egyptian people have summoned grit, determination, and commitment casting their ballots even in the face of turmoil,” said Kerry. “Now the military must make way for a prompt transition to a civilian government with real authority.”

Kerry’s comments come as protestors have occupied Tahrir Square, demanding an immediate end to military rule. Tahrir Square is the same location protestors gathered during the revolt that led to the ouster of longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak earlier this year.

Kerry continued, “I hope that today’s elections mark the beginning of a new political order for Egypt. The work that began in Tahrir Square mustn’t end there.”

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