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Longtime Texas Democrat Calling It Quits

Rep. Charles Gonzalez announced Friday that he will not seek re-election next year. The decision to end his twelve-year career in the House was spurred by his desire “to do something else — what that is, I really don’t know.”

President Obama released a statement in response to the news:

“For a combined 50 years, Charlie Gonzalez and his father have represented Texas’ 20th Congressional district in the United States House of Representatives. In Congress, Charlie has fought tirelessly for a cleaner environment, Wall Street reform and more accessible health care for Texans.  As Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, he has worked nonstop to deliver much needed relief to deserving immigrant families and to protect the civil rights of Latinos and all Americans. Michelle and I wish him and his family the very best and join the people of Texas in thanking him for his many years of  service.

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) also put out a statement, calling Gonzalez a “dedicated public servant who has been a leader on voting rights issues.”

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