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DOT Bans Hand-Held Phone For Commercial Bus And Truck Drivers

By Mike Hothi

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced a a final rule Wednesday to end distractive driving by outlawing truck and bus drivers from talking on hand-held phones while operating their commercial vehicles.

“When drivers of large trucks, buses and hazardous materials take their eyes off the road for even a few seconds, the outcome can be deadly,” said LaHood. “I hope that this rule will save lives by helping commercial drivers stay laser-focused on safety at all times while behind the wheel.”

Violators of the restriction will pay $2,750 for each offense and will be disallowed from operating their vehicle if they are repeat offenders. Companies that violate the restriction will face a maximum fine of $11,000.

“This final rule represents a giant leap for safety,” said Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrator Anne Ferro. “Drivers must keep their eyes on the road, hands on the whell and head in the game when operating on our roads. Lives are at stake.”

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