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Poll: 60 Percent Have No Opinion Of Occupy Movement

By Andrea Salazar

A new survey shows that six out of ten Americans are indifferent about the 2-month-old Occupy movement that has spread to cities around the country after protesters “occupied” Wall Street.

According to a USA Today/Gallup Poll, 56 percent of the 996 adults surveyed don’t know enough about the movement to take a stance for or against it. The poll has a margin of error of +/-4 percent.

The poll also found that the percentage of Americans who disapprove of the way the movement has been conducted has increased from 20 percent in October to 31 percent in November.

In recent days, Occupy protests have clashed with police - most notably at the University of California-Davis campus where police pepper sprayed protesters Friday.

In an attempt to urge Congress to allow the Bush tax cuts expire, protesters from Occupy Wall Street will arrive in Washington, D.C. Wednesday after a 2-week march from Manhattan.

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