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House GOP'ers Blast Obama Over Pipeline Indecision

By Lisa Kellman

Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.) blasted President Obama Tuesday for his position on the TransCanada Keystone Pipeline.

“He values his radical environmental campaign donors over the millions of Americans that are out of work” Huelskamp said.

Huelskamp was one of over a dozen House Republicans who fired criticism towards Obama for failing to approve of the Keystone Pipeline Project.

The group of Republicans argued that because President Obama has not approved of the pipeline’s construction, he is indirectly hurting American jobs, national security and international relations.

“This is all about a presidential campaign and not leadership,” said Rep. Tim Griffin (R-Ark.). “The President has a choice. He can allow the creation of jobs here in the United States or he can help create Chinese Jobs.”

The President has said that he will hold off on his decision on the Keystone Pipeline in an effort to seek alternative options for domestically producing energy. Republicans argued that this decision is putting “politics over paychecks.”

The pipeline would boost the economy by creating a net 120,000 jobs, according to a statement released by the Energy and Commerce Committee.

The delay could cause Canada to sell to the Chinese instead, something both Canada and China have reportedly already talked about.

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