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Boehner: House Will Approve Super Committee Plan

By Mike Hothi

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio ) said Tuesday that the so-called “super committee” has done “good work,” but “there isn’t an agreement.”

The bipartisan deficit reduction panel must propose a $1.3 trillion plan by Thanksgiving to avoid automatic cuts to the budget.

Boehner told reporters that he’s confident House Republicans will support a deal if there is one.

“I’m convinced if in fact there is an agreement, that it can in fact pass.”

Boehner also said that he expects his chamber to pass a pair of jobs bills in the coming days. A measure to strike a law requiring the federal government to withhold three percent of payments to contractors and a bill to provide tax credits to businesses that hire returning vets have already cleared the Senate.

“We will pass them this week and send them to the President for a signature,” Boehner said.

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