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Protesters Disrupt Healthcare CEO

By Mike Hothi

Blue Cross Blue Shield CEO Scott Serota’s address to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce today was interrupted by demonstrators claiming to represent the “99 percent.”

Serota’s speech was intended to outline what his company is doing to improve healthcare, but was met with loud opposition from the protestors, who accused him of increasing costs in order to profit more greatly.

“Health insurers are not health providers,” they shouted. “They restrict or deny medical treatment and charge increasing premiums to make more profit.”

The demonstrators were dispersed throughout the room — as soon as one was removed, another would stand up and continue reading from a prepared statement.

It took a few minutes for security to contain the chaos and the rest of Serota’s discussion went off without incident.

Serota acknowledged that there must be a role for government in healthcare. “There’s no doubt that fixing the healthcare system is an imperative for the U.S.,” he said.

He laid out a framework that his company is following to improve healthcare for its customers that involves designing incentive programs to ensure safety and promoting healthy lifestyles.

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