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Tensions Rise On Capitol Hill Over Potential Transcontinental Pipeline

By Mike Hothi

The oil industry and environmental groups squared off Friday on Capitol Hill regarding the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline which would transport oil from Alberta, Canada through the United States to Texas.

Tensions rose as both sides made public comments that garnered loud applause and the occasional boos.

“We appreciate that you say that the State Department hasn’t made a decision yet on this issue but in fact we don’t believe you,” said Maura Cowley of the Energy Action Coalition. “Emails detail a relationship between TransCanada and the State Department that in fact suggest that the two might be collaborating on lobby efforts and we think the Department of Justice needs to intervene immediately.”

Cowley was referring to recently released emails linking a former employee of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a current TransCanada lobbyist to the State Department. The emails revealed that State Department officials coached TransCanada on what to say during the environmental review process.

Environmentalists expressed concerns about the risks involved with running a pipeline through America’s heartland.

“Water, not oil is the essential ingredient for life. We can ill afford to waste or contaminate one drop of that water,” said Randy Thompson who traveled from Nebraska to express his concerns.

Proponents of the Keystone XL Pipeline touted the potential for new jobs created and added that the pipeline would decrease dependence on foreign oil.

“It will improve our national security, contribute to a long term stable energy supply for the United States, and create jobs,” said Charles Barnard a proponent of the pipeline from Virginia.

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