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Reid: Republicans Hurting Troops, U.S. By Opposing Defense Bill  

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) issued a statement Tuesday chiding Republicans for blocking the advancement of the Defense Authorization bill, claiming that their opposition could hinder soldiers’ abilities to do their jobs.

“Republicans are again playing politics with our national security,” Reid said. “They blocked the Senate from debating a bill that would give our troops the resources they need to keep America safe … stopping not only funding for combat vehicles and bulletproof vests or measures to improve our military’s readiness.”

Reid also noted that the failure to open the bill up for debate also delays a pay increase for U.S. servicemen.

Senate Democrats failed to secure the 60 votes needed to sidestep a Republican filibuster based primarily on a provision within the $726 billion appropriation bill that would grant the President the authority to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

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