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Reactions To Defense Cuts

President Barack Obama

“Today, Secretary Gates advanced our effort to invest in the defense capabilities that we need in the 21st century, while being responsible and accountable in spending taxpayer dollars.”

“I have long said that we need to change the way that Washington works so that it works better for the American people. That’s why we undertook the Accountable Government Initiative — to make government more open and responsive to the American public, and to cut waste and inefficiencies that squander the people’s hard-earned money. This effort is particularly important when it comes to our national defense, since waste and inefficiency there detracts from our efforts to focus resources on serving our men and women in uniform, and to invest in the future capabilities we need.”

“Today’s announcement by Secretary Gates is another step forward in the reform efforts he has undertaken to reduce excess overhead costs, cut waste, and reform the way the Pentagon does business. The funds saved will help us sustain the current force structure and make needed investments in modernization in a fiscally responsible way. Change is never easy, and I applaud Secretary Gates and his team for undertaking this critical effort to support our men and women in uniform and strengthen our national security. These reforms will ensure that our nation is safer, stronger, and more fiscally responsible.”

 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)

“In meeting our solemn obligation to the security of all Americans, we must also uphold our commitment to future generations by pursuing a path of fiscal discipline whenever possible.”

“I commend Secretary Gates for taking steps toward greater fiscal restraint in the Defense Department.  The House looks forward to reviewing all of his proposals and conducting appropriate oversight.”

House Armed Service Chair Rep. Ike Skelton (D-Mo.)

“Although I am still reviewing the specific details of this announcement, Secretary Gates has proposed a number of steps that appear to efficiently find savings within the defense budget without taking away resources from our warfighters. Supporting the men and women in uniform who protect our nation is a top priority, and I support any responsible shift of funds from overhead costs in order to strengthen the efforts of our brave troops.

“There are many functions within the Department that are critical to our nation’s defense, and we need to carefully analyze Secretary Gates’ new plan to ensure that no essential programs fall through the cracks. I look forward to holding a hearing on this proposal when Congress returns from the August recess.”

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen

“I fully support the Department-wide initiatives Secretary Gates has announced today. In fact, having been intimately involved in their development from the very start, I welcome them as real opportunities to improve not only our efficiency as an institution, but also our combat readiness.”

“In a time of two wars and great sacrifice, when our troops and their families continue to give and to serve, we cannot afford such luxury. Everything we do — everything we buy — must make us stronger. If it does not, then it does not belong. We cannot escape our responsibility as good stewards of the taxpayers’ dollars.”



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