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Reid Issues Statement On Border Bill's Passage

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) issued the following statement on the passage of the $600 million border security bill:

“Nevadans understand the challenges that exist because of our broken immigration system. We need comprehensive immigration reform that secures our borders, cracks down on unscrupulous employers, and requires those here illegally to get right with the law, learn English, pay taxes, pass criminal background checks, and go to the back of the line. This morning, the Senate passed a $600 million border security package that will help law enforcement officials in the fight against smuggling and other criminal activities in the border area. But I continue to believe that increased enforcement along our borders is only one part of a sound, comprehensive solution to fix our broken immigration system, and more work remains to achieve that ultimate goal.


“Democrats are open to working with Republicans toward a bipartisan solution on comprehensive immigration reform. And we are hopeful that Republicans will match our commitment to fix our broken system in a way that respects our laws and honors our values as a nation.”


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