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President Clinton: I Didn't Ask Kendrick Meek To Leave Race

After allegations that Florida Senate candidate Kendrick Meek was being persuaded by President Bill Clinton to throw in the towel, the former Commander-in-Chief released the following statement.  

Kendrick Meek is my close friend. I have supported his campaign from the beginning, though our relationship extends far beyond politics. We did talk last week following a rally in Orlando about the race and it’s challenges. I didn’t ask Kendrick to leave the race, nor did Kendrick say that he would. I told him that how he proceeds was his decision to make and that I would support him regardless. 

“Over the years, I have watched Kendrick become an able, effective public servant with the strength to fight for what he believes and the common sense to work with people of different parties and points of view. I still believe he could be the best Senator to help Florida and America emerge from the current crisis and build a growing middle class economy.”

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