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Entries in watershed projects (1)


Millions Invested In 55 New Watershed Projects

By Suzia van Swol-University of New Mexico, Talk Radio News Service
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced $84.7 million in stimulus funding for 55 Watershed Operation Projects in 20 states.

These projects “are part of President Obama’s national recovery plan to modernize our nations infrastructure, jump start the economy and create in this case, close to 1,500 new jobs,” said Vilsack during a conference call.

Vilsack said that the Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service has worked closely with local sponsors to identify projects that are ready for implementation, and those receiving resources have an 18 month time frame to “put them to work,” said Vilsack.

Projects are intended to provide both economic stimulus, assist local economies, and bring the benefits of natural resource conservation to watersheds nationwide. “These projects and funding means reduced soil erosion, better water quality, protecting people from the ravaging of flooding, and more reliable water supplies in communities across the country,” said Vilsack.