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Entries in veteran (1)


McCain speaks at Vets For Freedom Heroes Tour

This morning more than 400 veterans and spectators gathered in Upper Senate Park as part of the Heroes Tour put on by Vets For Freedom. The tour is a “coast-to-coast bus tour to personally thank America’s men and women who risk their lives by having served-and currently serving-in the armed forces.” Senators McCain, Lieberman, Graham and Representative Marshall were on hand to speak.

The purpose of the event was to enable people to have a perspective from veterans that came from across the country. McCain, and the media frenzy that surrounds him, arrived at around 8:30 and minutes later he addressed the crowd.

“There’s a lot of conversations about veterans and where they stand and how they feel about the war. I think your presence here today indicates that the overwhelming majority of veterans who have served and sacrificed in this conflict know that there is no substitute for victory, and withdraw is defeat,” McCain said, drawing a huge cheer from the crowd.