President Bush had his normal briefings this morning at 8 am. At 11.05, he will meet with the President of Guatemala in the Oval Office. This afternoon, President Bush meets with the US- Brazil CEO Forum. Later, at 3.30 pm, he participates in a meeting with the National Commander of the American Legion.
White House Press Secretary Dana Perino will brief the press at 1.30 pm today.
Perino was asked about what concerns the Administration has in regards to the recent violence in Afghanistan including the attempted assassination of President Kharzai, and what that says about the Afghan military’s abilities to not only keep order in the country but also to protect. Her response was that, when you are dealing with terrorists, “we have to be right 100 % of the time, and the a terrorist only has to be right once… we are very concerned about it. The terrorist threat is real, it is deadly, and defeating this enemy has to be a top priority of the United States, of the Afghan government, of the Iraqi government and NATO alliance. They will continue to look at how they could have done it better, and prevent it from happening again.
Meeting with President of Guatemala
President Bush and President Alvaro Colom will discuss the Merida initiative, trade and economy. Perino was also asked in there is anything on the agenda to talk about the on going situation of US adoptions of Guatemalan babies, and she said that there was not, but they have talked about it before.
Trucker protest
Perino was asked if the Administration has anything to say to the truckers that are protesting the high prices of gasoline, and she replied that we can “understand the frustration and concern they have.” We are very aware of the high price of gasoline and the impact it is having on people across the country. We are trying to move farther and faster. “I think that it would be disingenuous and unfortunate for American consumers for them to be lead to believe that there is a short term fix, and there is not going to be one. Another part of this is that we make sure to improve efficiency and find other alternatives and find for domestic oil here at home”, Perino said.
Stimulus Package
When asked about the Administration’s thought of a second stimulus package, Perino said that they want to give the first one a chance to work. When asked what the President wants the American people to do with the money from the rebate checks, Perino said that the President wants them to decide for themselves. “Certainly, President Bush is not going to dictate what people are supposed to do with their money.” According economists in previous historical situations, Perino said that enough people will spend their checks so that it will have the desired impact. Many people will spend, others will save and “it will be up to the American people what they decide to do.”
When asked about reports of bombing of Syria, the South Korean CIA, and intelligence gathering, Perino referred the question to the intelligence community.
Hugo Chavez
When asked for a comment on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez who has been said to help in the release of US hostages in North Korea; Perino said that she had not heard about it, but said that Chavez needs to stop supporting terrorists in the first place, but of course they would like the hostages to be released safely.
White House Gaggle
President’s Schedule
President Bush had his normal briefings this morning at 8 am. At 11.05, he will meet with the President of Guatemala in the Oval Office. This afternoon, President Bush meets with the US- Brazil CEO Forum. Later, at 3.30 pm, he participates in a meeting with the National Commander of the American Legion.
White House Press Secretary Dana Perino will brief the press at 1.30 pm today.
Perino was asked about what concerns the Administration has in regards to the recent violence in Afghanistan including the attempted assassination of President Kharzai, and what that says about the Afghan military’s abilities to not only keep order in the country but also to protect. Her response was that, when you are dealing with terrorists, “we have to be right 100 % of the time, and the a terrorist only has to be right once… we are very concerned about it. The terrorist threat is real, it is deadly, and defeating this enemy has to be a top priority of the United States, of the Afghan government, of the Iraqi government and NATO alliance. They will continue to look at how they could have done it better, and prevent it from happening again.
Meeting with President of Guatemala
President Bush and President Alvaro Colom will discuss the Merida initiative, trade and economy. Perino was also asked in there is anything on the agenda to talk about the on going situation of US adoptions of Guatemalan babies, and she said that there was not, but they have talked about it before.
Trucker protest
Perino was asked if the Administration has anything to say to the truckers that are protesting the high prices of gasoline, and she replied that we can “understand the frustration and concern they have.” We are very aware of the high price of gasoline and the impact it is having on people across the country. We are trying to move farther and faster. “I think that it would be disingenuous and unfortunate for American consumers for them to be lead to believe that there is a short term fix, and there is not going to be one. Another part of this is that we make sure to improve efficiency and find other alternatives and find for domestic oil here at home”, Perino said.
Stimulus Package
When asked about the Administration’s thought of a second stimulus package, Perino said that they want to give the first one a chance to work. When asked what the President wants the American people to do with the money from the rebate checks, Perino said that the President wants them to decide for themselves. “Certainly, President Bush is not going to dictate what people are supposed to do with their money.”
According economists in previous historical situations, Perino said that enough people will spend their checks so that it will have the desired impact. Many people will spend, others will save and “it will be up to the American people what they decide to do.”
When asked about reports of bombing of Syria, the South Korean CIA, and intelligence gathering, Perino referred the question to the intelligence community.
Hugo Chavez
When asked for a comment on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez who has been said to help in the release of US hostages in North Korea; Perino said that she had not heard about it, but said that Chavez needs to stop supporting terrorists in the first place, but of course they would like the hostages to be released safely.