White House Answers Latta Request With Veto Threat
By Mikey Hothi
In a letter to President, Rep. Robert Latta (R-Ohio) urged Obama to support his amednment to the TRAIN Act, a measure that would ensure the EPA considers economic effects when updating air quality standards.
On September 2, President Obama asked EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to withdraw a draft of the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards, which requires the EPA to set standards for pollutants considered harmful to public health and the environment, saying the uncertainty in regulations could have a negative impact on the economy.
The TRAIN Act is expected to be considered on the House floor this week and Latta believes that, with the inclusion of his amendment, the bill will receive bipartisan support because of its potential impact on job creation.
“[I] agree that the economy should be considered when implementing regulations and standards with such far reaching effects,” Latta said.
Despite Latta’s confidence, the White House issued a statement threatening to veto the TRAIN Act, saying the bill would undermine two landmark regulations under the Clean Air Act aimed at reducing public exposure to harmful pollutants.
“While the Administration strongly supports careful analysis of the economic effects of regulation, the approach taken in [the TRAIN Act] would slow or undermine important public health protections,” the stamement reads. “If the President is presented with H.R. 2401, his senior advisors would recommend that he veto the bill.”