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Entries in Tony Sifford (1)


Republicans, truckers ask Dems to "stop playing games"

Senate Republicans held a joint press conference with Americans from the trucking industry this afternoon to discuss increased energy costs and its effect on commodity prices. Barbara Windsor, President and CEO of HAHN Transportation said that her trucking company spends $1,400 per vehicle to fill it with Diesel gasoline, and currently spends 58 percent more on fuel than it did a year ago.

Tony Sifford, a professional truck driver said that despite the fuel conservation efforts that he employs, such as slowing down, keeping a constant speed and maintaining a tuned-up vehicle, he still pays over $1,100 more than he did a year ago to drive from Hillsville, Virginia to Dallas, Texas three times per week. Sifford called upon the Democrats to stop playing games and cross party lines to bring an energy solution to America.

Sen. Wayne Allard (R-CO) said that Americans in the West need a solution, as they tend to drive further distances than others in the nation. As such, he said that he favors searching for oil everywhere we possibly can and not remove options from the table, especially because no renewable energy source exists for truck drivers.