Senate Republicans: It's economics stupid!
New Mexico Republican Senator Pete Domenici said that the energy bill offered by his state's junior senator is "not a very big solution to a big problem." The reconfigured energy bill, written by Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) features a component that encouraged energy companies to "use it or lose it," when it comes to lands that are already under lease. "Use it or lose it doesn't mean anything," said Domenici at a press conference with Senate Republican colleagues.
Majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has offered little debate on the bill and is not allowing much room for amendments, said Sen. John Thune (R-S.D). Domenici said that their amendments are a good way of "finding more and using less." He cited the Repubicans' strong support for electric cars. Bob Bennett (R-Utah) said that oil shale is not addressed and that other countries, like Brazil, are taking advantage of this technology while oil shale is off limits in Utah and Colorado. He called for "massive" investment to recover oil shale, which he said is equal to 800 billion barrels of recoverable petroleum.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said that speculators represent about 20 percent of the problem when it comes to the current energy prices. He said that he spoke with billionaire Warren Buffet, a prominent U.S. businessman and investor, who told Cornyn that this problem will be solved with the simple law of supply and demand. Cornyn said that the Senate Republicans are dedicated to addressing the problem of supply and demand by drilling for more oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the oil shale of the American West.
Majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has offered little debate on the bill and is not allowing much room for amendments, said Sen. John Thune (R-S.D). Domenici said that their amendments are a good way of "finding more and using less." He cited the Repubicans' strong support for electric cars. Bob Bennett (R-Utah) said that oil shale is not addressed and that other countries, like Brazil, are taking advantage of this technology while oil shale is off limits in Utah and Colorado. He called for "massive" investment to recover oil shale, which he said is equal to 800 billion barrels of recoverable petroleum.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said that speculators represent about 20 percent of the problem when it comes to the current energy prices. He said that he spoke with billionaire Warren Buffet, a prominent U.S. businessman and investor, who told Cornyn that this problem will be solved with the simple law of supply and demand. Cornyn said that the Senate Republicans are dedicated to addressing the problem of supply and demand by drilling for more oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the oil shale of the American West.
energy legislation,
oil shale,
pete domenici in

Repbulican watchdogs to monitor Obama
Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) and Eric Cantor (R-Va) held a press
conference today to present the House-Senate Fiscal Responsibility
Group. Cantor described that the group was created to oversee the
implementation of taxpayers funds and to monitor if the money in the
stimulus bill are spent in a transparent and accountable way. He also
stated that the Republicans suggested a more efficient plan than the
Stimulus package. Cantor stated that if Congress would have passed the
Republicans solution, twice as many jobs would be created. The
solution should lie on job creation not raising taxes on the citizens,
said Cantor.
Thune discussed the consequences the stimulus package will have for
America. He described that it will not only affect the current tax
payers situation, but also future generations. By passing the recover
bill, taxpayers will suffer and money will be spent in a wasteful way.
Isakson emphasized the importance of holding President Obama
accountable for what he says and making sure that taxpayers money will
not be a waste. Isakson also stated that the group will work as
watchdogs to ensure that money is being spent in a transparent way.
Hensarling stated that not before in American history has so few voted
so fast on such a important matter, as the stimulus package. He stated
that by passing this bill, Congress made a mistake because the road to
recovery goes through the small businesses; By not implementing the
Republicans plan, America transfers the financial crises on to the
next generation.
Hensarling also stated that the group will work with the President to
make sure that the expenses are made in a decent way.
Cantor also commented on the recovery package's focus on investing in
health care. He said that the big investment should be in the job
creation area, because if people loose their jobs they will
automatically loose their health care. By creating jobs the problem
can be solved from the root.