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22 Democratic Members of Congress join to form Populist Caucus

Representative Bruce Braley (D-Iowa),, announced the formation of the new Populist Caucus. It is aimed at protecting and expanding the middle class. "This is the moment, and the time is right to form the populist caucus because many of us feel that the needs of the middle class are being ignored or not been given the proper attention."

Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) said that this country has been founded on the proposition that people who want to work hard to get into the middle class can make it, and that those who are in the middle class can work to do better. "We have never seen, since the 1920's, the greatest disparity of wealth that we have had in this country. And it's shocking, it's unconscionable, and it's wrong. And many Americans have a sneaking suspicion that part of the reason is that Congress has lost its way." He said it is time for Congress to start advocating for the middle class, which is what the caucus intends to do.

"As we move forward and debate the policies that will hopefully rebuild this economy and re-build the middle class in this country, we will lean heavily on the lessons that we've learned over the last ten years or so and work again to make this an economy that works for everyone," said Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY).
In order to strengthen the middle class, the caucus outlined 6 issues that they plan to focus on: creating good jobs and a secure retirement, cutting taxes for the middle class, affordable and quality for healthcare, quality and affordable education, fair trade, and protecting consumers.