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Entries in Stanford Modeling Forum (1)


Sen. Voinovich: America must "harmonize our energy"

Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio.) while hosting a conference call this morning discussed  his belief that the continuing high cost of oil is not only affecting Americans daily life but our national security. Voinovich commented that numbers released by the Office of Budget and Management (OMB) showing America's deficit had climbed 750 billion dollars means that the country is not only at a financial disadvantage but a national security risk. Voinovich also noted that the national debt at the end of this year is estimated to be at ten trillion dollars. 

A key sticking point for Voinovich is the continuing funneling of money to Arab states which have repeatedly harbored those who wish harm towards the United States. Voinovich commented by saying "we're sending 600 billion dollars overseas to a lot of people who don't like us including Venezuela. In effect these people control the price," said Voinovich. Adding, "from my stand point we are in real jeopardy," said Voinovich.

According to the Stanford University Modeling Forum which Voinovich cited, the odds of a foreign oil disruption happening over the next ten years are slightly higher than 80 percent. If global production were reduced by more than 2.1 percent that would have a serious effect on oil prices and our economy. This would be more than  Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

To curtail the dilemma of the United States being tied to terrorist countries for oil, Voinovich argues that America needs a plan similar to the Apollo plan put forth by President Kennedy. Voinovich believes that America must "harmonize our environment, our energy, our economy and now it's our national security" for more energy production.
It has been Voinovich who said he was a staunch supporter of increased oil drilling in America especially in ANWR to lesson America's dependence on foreign oil.