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Entries in stability in Libya (1)


Libyan Ambassador Wants Longer NATO Mission

While addressing an audience at the National Council on US-Arab Relations on Friday, Libyan  Ambassador Ali Aujali expressed disappointment with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for ending its mission next Monday.

“The National Security Council ended the mission of NATO yesterday,” Aujali said. ” I was not very happy.”

Aujali went on to explain that he expected them to extend the mission until stability was restored to Libya. 

While Libyan Ruler Muammar Gadhafi was killed on October 20, much is still needed to stabilize Libya. Such pressing needs include securing its borders and collecting all of the illegal weapons remaining on the streets.

“Libya has no army, no police,” Aujali remarked. “[There are only] security brigades formed under Gadhafi’s sons’ leadership whose purpose is not to protect the country, but to protect the regime, the family.”

“We need help from the international community,” Aujali concluded.