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Entries in Rep. John Boehner (4)


Boehner Critical Of Obama's "Reset" Policy With Russia

By Lisa Kellman

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) warned Americans of the threats Russia poses to the country, despite President Obama’s 2009 “reset” policy and insisted the Commander-in-Chief reconsider.

“The United States should insist Russia ‘reset’ its own policies. If those appeals require teeth, the House stands ready to approve them,” Boehner said during a rare speech on foreign policy.

Boehner’s many grievances with Russia range from the nation’s political, economical and physical expansion to the nationalization of its industries. The House Speaker also expressed concern over the relationship Russia has with dangerous regimes and its “general lack of democratic values.”

The Ohio Republican said Russia’s reappointment of Vladimir Putin aspresident who has called the fall of the Soviet Union “the greatest geo-political catastrophe of the 20th century,” has only served to reinforce concerns.

“Instead of downplaying Russia’s disregard for democratic values and human rights, we should call on them and call them out on it, publicly, forcefully and frequently,” Boehner said. “The United States should Insist Russia reset its own policies and if those appeals require teeth, the House is ready to approve them.”


Boehner: Obama Has Given Up Governing

Speaker of the House John Boehner accused President Obama of having “thrown in the towel” on governing to turn his focus to campaigning for reelection at a Washington Ideas Forum Thursday.

“Mr. President, why have you given up on the country and decided to campaign full-time?” Boehner asked.

Disappointed with the summer’s negotiations on the debt ceiling limit, the Speaker said he continues to be willing to “sit down with the President any day, any time to seek common ground” and even put revenues on the table as long as the President agrees to address entitlement reform.

“It takes two to tango, and the President never said ‘yes,’” Boehner said.

A couple topics where Boehner and Obama can agree on, however, are Afghanistan and the Chinese currency manipulation bill.

Boehner reinforced his argument against passing the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Bill that would punish countries like China for manipulating their currency, something he says the President agrees with.

“For the Congress to pass legislation to force the Chinese to do what is arguably very difficult to do I think is wrong, is dangerous and could start a trade war,” he said.

The Speaker is also supportive of Obama’s decisions in Iraq and Afghanistan saying Obama “has done just fine” in continuing to take on the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

As for the super committee he helped create to find $1.5 trillion in spending cuts, Boehner said he is “firmly committed to ensuring that the [committee] come to an outcome,” emphasizing that no one wants automatic spending cuts to happen.

Boehner also commented on the Republican presidential campaign supporting Sarah Palin’s decision not to run for president in 2012. 

“She made the right decision for herself,” he said, but added that he hopes Palin will campaign for other Republican candidates.


Boehner Addresses Value Voters, Attacks Stimulus

Travis Martinez, University of New Mexico- Talk Radio News Service

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) rallied against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Saturday morning at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, D.C., accusing the legislation's backers of delivering empty promises.

“My Democrat colleagues are bankrupting America... [The stimulus plan] was supposed to be about jobs, jobs and jobs, but what did it turn into? Nothing more than spending, spending, spending, and more spending”, said Boehner.

In regard to the recent Cap and Trade bill, Boehner disagreed with Democratic proposals that would demand higher taxes from the American people, charging that as a result there would be millions of jobs lost and a requirement for every American to invest $1700 in new green infrastructure for their home.

“It will tax every American... that’s anyone that has the audacity to turn on a light switch,” said Boehner.

In closing his remarks Boehner asked for the President allow General McChrystal, who commands U.S. troops in Afghanistan, to testify before the House and Senate. Boehner reiterated the importance of McChrystal’s testimony for success in Afghanistan, explaining that it would provide proper perspective for both Congress and the American people.

Boehner Urges President To Reconsider Scrapping Missile Shield

Travis Martinez, University of New Mexico- Talk Radio News Service

House Minority Leader John Boehner asked President Barack Obama to reconsider scrapping plans to construct an Eastern European missile defense shield.

"He should stand with our allies and do what's right for the safety and security of the American people," said Boehner during his weekly press briefing.

Boehner also asked that General McChrystal be allowed to testify before Congress and the Senate before the administration makes any decision regarding Afghanistan. Boehner reiterated throughout the briefing the importance of having McChrystal testify in a public forum.

"It's imperative that the American people and members of Congress hear directly from Gen. McChrystal and soon," said Boehner.

Boehner talked about the recent scandal facing the embattled community organizing group ACORN, stating that House Republicans have legislation ready to stop all ACORN funding and would threaten the Speaker with a discharge petition if nothing is done soon.

"House Democrats have voted time and again to protect tax payer money for ACORN, a troubled organization rife with corruption and criminal conduct... to protect tax payer money," said Boehner.

An video has recently surfaced depicting ACORN staff helping two individuals posing as sex workers.

In response to the Senate Finance Committee's health care reform proposal, Boehner stated,"it relies on the same big government run health care program. The Democrats need to scrap these big government run programs and address the current health care delivery system."

“We are going to be talking about this [health care] issue for weeks and weeks and weeks and even months," said Boehner.

"We are in the middle of a modern day political rebellion... the American people are saying, enough, is enough."

When asked if there has been anything good to report, Boehner replied, "It's been a tough week."

Boehner waved away recent remarks made by former President Jimmy Carter that asserted the opposition to President Obama was racially motivated.

“These issues are not racial issues and ought to be done with civility,” said Boehner.