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Entries in rep. bart stupak (3)


House Majority Leader Denies Stupak Was Muscled Out By Conservatives

By Sofia Sanchez-University of New Mexico, Talk Radio News Service

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) denied Tuesday that pro-life Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) was pushed into retirement by Tea Party or Pro-life organizations.

"Bart Stupak is a very courageous member. He wasn't forced out by anybody and he was substantially ahead in the polls," said Hoyer.

Added the Majority Leader, "Do I think that the negative atmosphere that has been created by the tea party and by others certainly goes into the thinking of the members? I think it does," said Hoyer. "I don't think that was the determining factor with respect to Mr. Stupak."

Stupak, who served in Congress for 18 years, announced he would not seek re-election last Friday after becoming a lightning-rod for criticism in the health care debate. Pro-choice advocates charged that an amendment Stupak attempted to include in the legislation to specifically prohibit public funding for abortion restricted women's reproductive rights. Conservatives claimed that a White House executive order sought by Stupak offering a similar guarantee was not strong enough to warrant his eventual support.

Hoyer went on to say that Stupak's retirement is a result of the time spent away from his family and the toll it has taken on them after losing a son to suicide in May, 2000. Hoyer also confirmed that Stupak has been looking at retirement for the past two years.

Hoyer acknowledged the difficult elections facing many House Democrats, but said "I would urge all the members that are here to run and seek re-election."


Senate Public Option Plan To Be Finalized 'In The Next Few Days,' Says Stabenow

By Meagan Wiseley - University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) said Monday that final negotiations over a public option plan in the Senate health care bill will be completed “in the next few days.”

Most recently the Senate has debated the non-profit funded insurance plan; a plan which parallels the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. The proposed plan offers Americans a variety of private non-profit funded insurance plans, overseen by the Office of Personnel Management.

Expressing her support for public option in the final bill, Stabenow added, “the critical issue is not what we call something, it’s the end result.”

Stabenow said she does not support the amendment proposed by Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) to restrict federal funding for abortions. She said based on her understanding of the amendment it “parallels” Rep. Bart Stupak’s (R-Mich.) Amendment which also prohibits federal funding for abortion. The Stupak Amendment passed in the House last month.

“I don’t believe [the Nelson Amendment] is going to pass, I truly believe the votes are there to stop it in the Senate,” Stabenow said.

Pro-Life Caucus Claims Major Victory Over Stupak Amendment

By Travis Martinez, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service

The Pro-life caucus touted the adoption of the Stupak-Pitts amendment in the Affordable Health Care for America legislation as a significant victory late Saturday evening.

“I can’t say enough for my colleagues on both the Democratic and Republican side… this is a great victory for people across this nation,” said Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI).

The amendment was adopted with a bi-partisan vote of 240-194.

The Stupak Amendment prohibits the use of federal funding for abortion under the public health insurance option and prohibits the use of federal affordability credits to purchase a health insurance policy that covers abortion.