Postcards from Kabul

Reviewing stand where President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai was attacked

Building from which attack on Karzai was launched

Houses built in Bolo Esor Mountain surrounding Kabul

Afghan police seal firefight street

Suspected taliban hideout, scene of firefight

Metal barrel, unsuccessfully used for cover

AK-47 rounds from firefight

Bomb blast during firefight

Afghan policemen at entrance of suspected Taliban hideout

Boston Red Sox fan in Kabul
White House Gaggle
President’s Schedule
President Bush had his normal briefings this morning. At 9:55 am, he will meet with the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic in the Oval Office of the White House. The two leaders are expected to discuss cooperation on missile defense and the visa waiver program. President Bush will also thank the Prime Minister and the people of the Czech Republic for their commitment in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
This afternoon at 2.10 pm, the President will meet the Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. At 3.05 pm, President Bush participates in a photo opportunity and makes remarks to the Boston Red Sox.
White House Press Secretary Dana Perino will brief the press at 12.30 pm today.
Perino was asked about Iraq’s presidential council has rejected a measure to setting up provincial election, how much this setback with this is, and she replied that their government system has an option of veto similar to ours. We would have liked to go forward without any complications, but this is democracy at work, in Iraq, Perino stated. Perino also answered to the question of General Petreus next visit to Washington, which looks like the week of April 7th, 2008.
House Bill on PETFAR
Today, the House is bringing up a markup bill on PETFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) for $ 50 billion, whereas the President supports $ 30 billion, and Perino was asked why not the higher level of spending; and she said that whenever you are starting up a new system like we have with PETFAR, it takes a while for countries and governments to scale up and spend the money that you give them. “We believe that $ 30 billon is the right amount of money that could be effectively used by these governments to tackle the HIV/AIDS problems,” Perino said and continued, “We don’t think it is smart to send additional American tax payer dollars that will sit there and not be used, or be used ineffectively or in a matter that does not actually fit the mission.”
Senator Clinton’s Public Schedule as First Lady
During last night’s debate, Senator Clinton talked about her scheduling records being releases from her time as First Lady. Clinton also mentioned that President Bush claims the right to take a look anything that is released. Perino was asked if the Administration has been approached by the Clintons about the release of such documents and also if there are any reservations on behalf of this. Perino said that she was not very familiar with the Presidential Records Act in regards to former presidents but she will check with the Office of White House Council and get back with more information.
Red Sox and Steroids
Perino was asked if President Bush intents to make any reference to baseball steroid use during his remarks at the afternoon event, and she said that she did not think so.