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Entries in progressive caucus (2)


House Democrats Demand Robust Public Health Care Option

By Sam Wechsler - Talk Radio News Service

The Congressional Tri-Caucus and Congressional Progressive Caucus announced Thursday that they have 53 signatures vowing not to vote for health care reform unless the legislation contains a robust public option.

Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.), Co-Chair for the Congressional Progressive Caucus, stated that many in Congress who favor a single-payer health care system have compromised to ensure a meaningful public option.

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, voiced her support for a public option, arguing that it would guarantee coverage, give people a choice of doctors and hospitals and give private insurers an incentive to lower costs.

“Health care should not be a privilege as it has been in the past, it is a basic human right,” said Lee. She also specified that the insurance rate in the public option would be the Medicare rate plus five percent.

“We need to lower health care costs. The only way to lower health care costs is by providing competition, and the only way we can provide competition is by having a public option,” said Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-N.Y.).

Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-Mich.) said she doesn't anticipate that any Republicans will vote for a bill with a public option, but added that their votes aren't necessary in order for a bill to pass.

Coalition Of Caucuses Fights For Public Health Care Option 

By Michael Combier-Talk Radio News Service

The Congressional Progressive Caucus and members of the Black, Hispanic, and Asian and Pacific Islander Caucuses have joined forces to push for health care legislation that would provide a public health care option.

“We need to have a public option to keep them [the private insurers] honest,” said U.S. Rep. Lynn C. Woolsey (D-Calif.), Co-Chair of the Progressive Caucus.
Progressive Caucus On Health Care

The Progressive Caucus as well as their allies warned that they will vote against any health care legislation which would not include a public plan and have emphasized that they speak for approximately 120 members of Congress.  

“We want to make sure that whatever comes to the floor - a strong public health option - remains in that bill,” said Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), a member of the Black Caucus.

Rep. Raul M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Co-Chair of the Progressive Caucus, described a public option as “essential to the passage of the health reform bill. It is cornerstone, for many of us.”