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Americans Support Health Care Reform, Unsure Of Specifics Say Pollsters

By Laura Smith - University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service

During an event hosted by the Alliance For Health Reform on Friday, a group of pollsters discussed recent surveys that show a large number of Americans want healthcare reform, but are unsure of exactly what details are in the many bills being debated in Congress.

Mollyann Brodie, vice president and director of Public Opinion and Survey Research of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Mark Blumenthal, Publisher of, said that in the most recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 39 percent of Americans agreed that President Obama’s health care plan is a good idea, while 41 percent of those surveyed disagreed.

“We can get a hint of where those numbers might go from the extensive survey data collected by the Kaiser Family Foundation in the two years following enactment of the prescription drug benefit in Medicare, now known as Medicare Part D,” he said.

The same NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll also asked folks how well they understood the health care legislation that is currently being debated in Congress. Only 15 percent of those asked said they understood the issue very well and 32 percent said that they somewhat understood the legislation.

Mollyann Brodie, Vice President and Ddirector of Public Opinion and Survey Research of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, said that a recent poll conducted by her organization found that only about 53 percent of Americans believe that reform would be beneficial to the nation. The poll also found that 27 percent of Americans feel that their families would be better off thanks to reform.