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Same-Sex Marriage Advocates Testify Before D.C. Council

John DuBois - University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service

Over one hundred supporters of the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Equality Amendment Act descended upon the Washington, D.C. City Council on Monday to express support for the legislation, which would extend full marriage rights to same-sex couples in D.C.

“I wonder, really, how confirming a couples’ love for each other threatens my own marriage? I wonder how loving couples with kids and dogs and cats threaten a neighborhood? I wonder how two people who just want those of us who sit here in the privileged group to confirm their rights as a loving couple are such a threat to the fabric of society?” asked Rev. Jill McCrory with the Metropolitan Community Church.

The bill has nine co-sponsors, Councilmember David Catania (D) said, making its passage at the Council level all but guaranteed.