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Entries in pelosi (69)


Hoyer Doubts House Will Vote On Health Care By Early November

By Justin Duckham-Talk Radio News Service

While the approval of the America’s Healthy Future Act in the Senate Finance Committee Tuesday seemed to hasten the pace of health care reform, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) does not believe the House will be prepared to bring similar legislation to the floor by early November.

“I think it would be very doubtful that we would get a vote prior to the first week of November,” Hoyer said during a pen and pad session with reporters.

There has been some concern that the proximity of the ongoing debate over health care reform to two crucial gubernatorial campaigns in Virginia and New Jersey could sway the manner in which Congress shapes the legislation, a notion that Hoyer flatly rejected.

“Frankly, I think these gubernatorial elections...pretty much stand on their own,” the Majority Leader said. “They will have minimum effect on the health care deliberation.”

Hoyer stated that he believes the House will hold its vote by Christmas, but stressed that he could not guarantee it.

Initially, both Hoyer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) sought to hold a vote prior to the August recess, a deadline originally pitched by the White House.

Pelosi Fights Back: "I Am In My Place"

By Leah Valencia, University of New Mexico – Talk Radio News Service

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) countered Republican criticism that suggested that General McChrystal should “put her in her place” in regard to the war in Afghanistan.

“I'm in my place. I'm the Speaker of the House, the first woman Speaker of the House and I'm in my place because the House of Representatives voted me there,” Pelosi said Thursday during her weekly press conference.

Pelosi came down on McChrystal Monday, saying that his recommendations to Obama “should go up the line of command” rather than be discussed openly.

The National Republican Congressional Committee issued a press release Tuesday ridiculing the Speaker, calling her “General Pelosi.” The release also said, "If Nancy Pelosi's failed economic policies are any indicator of the effect she may have on Afghanistan, taxpayers can only hope McChrystal is able to put her in her place.”

Pelosi responded by saying the comments were ill-suited and outdated.

“It's really sad they don't understand how inappropriate that is," Pelosi said. “That language is something I hadn't even heard in decades."

The NRCC unapologetically defended their statements saying that Pelosi was “out of her league” in criticizing McChrystal.

“The Speaker of the House is taking on a highly decorated general who has outlined a strategy in Afghanistan that she once claimed to advocate...Up until it became politically inconvenient, Pelosi and her puppets were referring to Afghanistan as the ‘real central front’ in the war on terror, now their excuse is that there is just not enough political will to keep America safe. Nancy Pelosi might think she’s a general, but she’s playing out of her league and she knows it,” NRCC spokesman Ken Spain said.

Pelosi stated Thursday that she would respond to the President’s decisions on Afghanistan as they are made, but the safety of the American public is a top priority.

Dalai Lama Honors Activists

By Marianna Levyash-Talk Radio News

The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, arrived at the Light of Truth Awards Wednesday to honor and present awards to activists Julia Taft and Wang Lixioung.

The International Campaign for Tibet recognizes and salutes individuals or institutions that have contributed to the needs of Tibet.

The late Julia Taft was praised for her active involvement in Tibetian issues and in playing a crucial role for Tibetian human rights.

Wang Lixioung, who bravely risked himself and defied China to help organize the petition "Twelve Suggestions for Dealing with the Tibetian Situation", in which more than 300 Chinese signed. All of these signatures represent people in the Republic of China that wanted to support Tibet and mark the Chinese policies in Tibet as "mistakes".

The Dalai Lama was quoted as saying "I always say our supporters are not pro-Tibetan but pro-justice, pro-nonviolence."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and actor Richard Gere also participated in the ceremony.

Pelosi: Republicans Hold A Double Standard On Rhetoric

By Leah Valencia, University of New Mexico – Talk Radio News Service

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) commented on the harsh rhetoric used by Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) on the House floor earlier this week, accusing Republicans of holding a double standard.

"Apparently Republicans are holding Democrats to a higher level than they are holding their own members," Pelosi said in regard to GOP calls for Grayson to retract his comments.

Grayson came under fire for remarking "If you get sick, America, the Republican health care plan is this: Die quickly. That's right. The Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick," while on the House floor Tuesday.

Pelosi went on to say that an apology from Grayson was not necessary but stated that incendiary rhetoric should not be used by either party.

"If anybody's going to apologize, everybody should apologize," Pelosi said.

Grayson said Democratic leaders have not asked him to apologize because he did not violate any House rules.

Pelosi said she did not plan to let Republican use this to distract from moving on healthcare legislation.

"The points have been made," she said. "Now it's time for us to keep the focus on health care."


Education Secretary: School Failure Is National Failure

By Laura Smith, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service

While Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is certainly pleased over the strides made by many schools, he concedes that more needs to be done to improve education.

During an award ceremony Wednesday honoring Texas' Aldine Independent School District (ASID), Duncan noted that only seven out 10 public school students finish high school, and that only one in four college students can do college work.

"This simply isn't just a personal failure. It's a national failure," Duncan said.

An additional $100 billion of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds has recently been allocated for education reform.

The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation awarded the Aldine Independent School District (AISD) from outside Houston the 2009 Broad Prize for Urban Education. This award is the largest education award in the country, and the school district will receive $1 million in college scholarships.

Superintendent Dr. Wanda Bamberg Ed.D., accepted the award.

Aldine has shown some of the most consistent student achievement gains nationally in the last decade and has been recognized as one of the top five most improved urban American school systems in four of the last six years.

The four finalists were Broward County Public Schools in southern Florida; Gwinnett County Public Schools outside Atlanta; the Long Beach Unified School District in California; and the Socorro Independent School District in Texas. Each finalist will receive $250,000 in college scholarships.

Dr. Bamberg said Aldine is 84% economically disadvantaged, and have watched their college students and college participation numbers decline in the past few years. She said the scholarship is truly the only way students can further their education.

"When you see the conditions that our students live, and understand that they truly do live in poverty in some places, then this doesn't just represent a scholarship opportunity, it doesn't just represent four years at school, it represents a future and a complete change of life for that individual student and, in many cases, the family of that student," Bamberg said.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said excellence is what the Broad Award has always been about. She said the nation's children success is essential to the success of the U.S.

"Those blessed with the most serve all of us," Pelosi said.

Pelosi said that while a high school diploma may gain entry into the workforce, but a college degree is a ticket to higher wages, more job security and a brighter future.
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