Pelosi Fights Back: "I Am In My Place"
Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 2:22PM
Staff in Congress, Frontpage 1, GOP, General McChrystal, Leah valencia, National Republican Congressional Committee, News/Commentary, afghanistan, pelosi
By Leah Valencia, University of New Mexico – Talk Radio News Service

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) countered Republican criticism that suggested that General McChrystal should “put her in her place” in regard to the war in Afghanistan.

“I'm in my place. I'm the Speaker of the House, the first woman Speaker of the House and I'm in my place because the House of Representatives voted me there,” Pelosi said Thursday during her weekly press conference.

Pelosi came down on McChrystal Monday, saying that his recommendations to Obama “should go up the line of command” rather than be discussed openly.

The National Republican Congressional Committee issued a press release Tuesday ridiculing the Speaker, calling her “General Pelosi.” The release also said, "If Nancy Pelosi's failed economic policies are any indicator of the effect she may have on Afghanistan, taxpayers can only hope McChrystal is able to put her in her place.”

Pelosi responded by saying the comments were ill-suited and outdated.

“It's really sad they don't understand how inappropriate that is," Pelosi said. “That language is something I hadn't even heard in decades."

The NRCC unapologetically defended their statements saying that Pelosi was “out of her league” in criticizing McChrystal.

“The Speaker of the House is taking on a highly decorated general who has outlined a strategy in Afghanistan that she once claimed to advocate...Up until it became politically inconvenient, Pelosi and her puppets were referring to Afghanistan as the ‘real central front’ in the war on terror, now their excuse is that there is just not enough political will to keep America safe. Nancy Pelosi might think she’s a general, but she’s playing out of her league and she knows it,” NRCC spokesman Ken Spain said.

Pelosi stated Thursday that she would respond to the President’s decisions on Afghanistan as they are made, but the safety of the American public is a top priority.
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