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Entries in olson (1)


Are stimulus checks coming fast enough?

The House Committee on Ways and Means subcommittees on oversight and social security held a joint hearing focused on investigating the status of economic stimulus check distribution to needy Americans.

Members of Congress questioned Nina Olson, national taxpayer advocate at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), about the progress her department as made in helping to ensure stimulus checks are distributed more quickly to citizens hurting financially. The panel of Representatives paid particular attention to asking Olson about the IRS’ efforts to help senior citizens fill out information to get stimulus checks, and were assured by Olson that such efforts were being made.

Congressman debated the efficiency the IRS has had in informing the public about filling out and receiving checks, and the amount of time it takes to distribute them. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) argued that the Americans actually need to worry more about the appallingly high price of oil before focusing their attention on stimulus checks.