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Bill Richardson asks, "Where is America?"

The Organization of American States welcomed the governor of New Mexico and former Presidential candidate, Bill Richardson, to speak as part of their lecture series. The discussion om "Immigration and Hemispheric Affairs" focused mainly on immigration and economical ties between Latin America and the United States.

Speaking very passionately at times, Richardson stressed that economic ties must be renewed and enhanced. "I believe that the United States must renew and invigorate it's relationships with Latin America based on the same principles of engagement and dialogue and cooperation."

Richardson then went on to explain his six step plan to revitalize the relationship between Latin America and the United States, and some of his points included closing Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, improving human rights, having a realistic approach to Cuba and reviewing the trade embargo.

Immigration was then discussed and the idea of constructing a wall along the Mexican border was quickly dismissed by Richardson. He then went on to say that "liberty and progress walk hand in hand" when discussing furthering trade and democracy. Richardson ended his speech with some points on the lack of US investments overseas and from his dismay asked, "Where is America?"