White House Gaggle, April 23, 2008
Briefer: Dana Perino
By: Ellen Ratner
The President had a private meeting with the King of Jordan in the dining room off the Oval Office. On the King’s visit, Dana said that the President had lots vested in mideast peace talks and that it was good that leaders could talk frankly with the President. He had his usual briefings and then will give the Medal of Honor to Dr. DeBakey. Later he has a photo op with Johns Hopkins donors, and then he will give the Baldridge Award.
The White House wants people to know that it is important for every taxpayer to fill out 1040A form so that they will get a stimulus rebate. This is available for anyone who makes $3,000 plus per year.
North Korea and the Syrians:
Dana said that they would continue to brief members of Congress on national intelligence.
Equal Pay Bill:
Dana would not comment on the bill or if the President would veto as she said they might not be able to get the votes for cloture in the Senate.
Dana would not comment on reports that the Pakistani government is working with the Taliban militants. She said however that they are “concerned about these types of approaches.”
President’s Remarks Yesterday on Economy:
Dana said that we don’t know what this period is yet and we do not have the data yet, and that the President wants more robust growth in the country.
Farm Bill:
There may be a push for a one-year extension if they can’t get it done.
By: Ellen Ratner
The President had a private meeting with the King of Jordan in the dining room off the Oval Office. On the King’s visit, Dana said that the President had lots vested in mideast peace talks and that it was good that leaders could talk frankly with the President. He had his usual briefings and then will give the Medal of Honor to Dr. DeBakey. Later he has a photo op with Johns Hopkins donors, and then he will give the Baldridge Award.
The White House wants people to know that it is important for every taxpayer to fill out 1040A form so that they will get a stimulus rebate. This is available for anyone who makes $3,000 plus per year.
North Korea and the Syrians:
Dana said that they would continue to brief members of Congress on national intelligence.
Equal Pay Bill:
Dana would not comment on the bill or if the President would veto as she said they might not be able to get the votes for cloture in the Senate.
Dana would not comment on reports that the Pakistani government is working with the Taliban militants. She said however that they are “concerned about these types of approaches.”
President’s Remarks Yesterday on Economy:
Dana said that we don’t know what this period is yet and we do not have the data yet, and that the President wants more robust growth in the country.
Farm Bill:
There may be a push for a one-year extension if they can’t get it done.
tagged North Korea, White House, economy, farm bill, gaggle, jordan, pakistan, syria, taxes in News/Commentary
National Security Adviser targets focus on North Korea and Iran
Hadley discussed the new challenges in the fight against nuclear weapons that differ significantly from the challenges faced during the Cold War. He said the U.S. is no longer facing a nuclear threat from specific nations, but also terrorist organizations with an increased threat of chemical and biological weapons.
He outlined a six-step plan to achieve the goal of keeping weapons out of the hands of dangerous people. This plan focused on locating the sources of the weapons and disrupting the networks that facilitate terrorist organizations.
Addressing representatives in the international community, Hadley said that information sharing among nations is still not what it needs to be. He said that the faster information is shared the more quickly actions can be taken.