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Entries in Nonprofit Sector and Community Solutions Act (1)


Landmark Legislation Paves Way For Nonprofits

Sarah Mamula - Talk Radio News Service

Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.) announced Wednesday that she will introduce new legislation that will help mold a stronger partnership between the federal government and nonprofit organizations, especially those who have direct influences in the healthcare and education sectors.

According to the Democrat, one in ten individuals are employed by nonprofit organizations, however, the nonprofit sector lacks adequate representation and wants their relationship with the government to undergo major improvement.

Among Rep. McCollum’s supporters is the National Council of Nonprofits, whose mission is to force legislators to recognize the involvement of nonprofits in America and its communities. Council president Tim Delaney said that nonprofit organizations nationwide are not receiving the governmental recognition that they deserve.

“We have a government that can tell us with precision how many iceberg lettuce heads were pulled out of the ground last year,” Delaney said. “Yet it cannot tell us how many heads of individuals were employed by nonprofits. Why are iceberg lettuce heads more valuable than the people who take care of America’s communities?”

Rep. McCollum said that she plans to raise awareness of the vital civic, social and economic contributions nonprofit organizations make to the United States. The Nonprofit Sector and Community Solutions Act will improve the relationship between the government and nonprofit organizations by improving the governmental coordination and support of nonprofit organizations. The legislation will also work to increase the influence the organizations have in addressing the domestic challenges their communities face.

“Every community in America is strengthened by the work of nonprofit organizations,” said Rep. McCollum. “Their needs are not being addressed by Congress or the administration, and that must change.”