America's Health Insurance Plans holds news conference to announce results of census
America’s Health Insurance Plans held a news conference today to announce the results of their annual census. The census says, “More than 6.1 million Americans are covered by Health Savings Account (HSA)-eligible insurance plans, a 35 percent increase since last year” Nearly half of the enrollees are age forty or over and “30 percent of individuals covered by an HSA plan were in the small group market, 45 percent of individual covered by an HSA plan were in the large-group market, and the remaining 25 percent were in the individual market.” has plenty of information and the release of their census’. They conduct some of the largest surveys on these markets.
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Wounded Warriors can once again serve their country
At a news conference which took place on the steps of the Capitol, concerning the House Wounded Warriors Program, Speaker of the U.S. House, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), and Members of Congress, announced the initial hiring to include nine of the twenty-five wounded warriors who will continue to serve America as staff of members of Congress. The U.S. House established the Wounded Warriors Program last year to provide employment for wounded and disabled veterans within the House of Representatives.
“For us this is a very, very proud day. But the Wounded Warrior program is only one part of the new direction congress; of our sustained commitment to meeting the needs of America’s veterans,” Pelosi said.
Hoyer stated that this program opens the doors of Congress to our Veterans when they return home, as they have served so deeply overseas, and they defended our country, they will now serve their country in another capacity. “It provides a unique opportunity for Veterans to pursue an interest in public service and gain valuable experience working on Capito Hill that will open doors for employment and future opportunities,” Hoyer said.
Dan Lasko, a fellow in the Wounded Warrior program, now works for Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz (D-PA). Lasko said that, “I saw this as a great opportunity once again to serve my country, and especially our nations hero’s.”